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We have received messages about "Tiredness" in relationship, Like loss of interest on each other. Some people even claim to lack words to say to each other especially on chat. This has once happened to me as well but, I was able to get over it and I am going to tell you how.

Imagine the flow of conversation when you are trying to impress the girl during that first acquaintance chat maybe you met her on Facebook or you are whatsapp chat mates and all that. Once you get to the dating level, after some time you started get used to each other then, slowly Assumptions storm.

Once you get to the level where you started assuming all is well with each other and refused to ask? Your relationship is in trouble. Next, you start feeling lackadaisical to verbalize love. Telling each other "I Iove you" at the end of the conversation like before, because you assume "well, he/she already knows I love him/her" your relationship is already suffering.

Listen, once you stop telling her/him about how beautiful or handsome she/he is, someone else is going to be doing that for you in no time, and soon be ready to kiss your once beautiful relationship, goodbye and so long. Our interest is that *IT SHOULD NOT HAPPEN* and I know you do not want it as well to happen.

Now draw closer.

I know very many people experience this, it is common. First, I am going to tell you possible reasons why it started happening and then give you solutions.

How it started?
1. You are having a sexual relationship. When you are having sex with your partner (during dating) you are told that "sex builds love", it is a lie. Sex rather kills love. Men love sex, and they would do anything to get you in bed. Once you have given it, slowly his love starts dropping and he begins to think of someone else to give it. When, you withhold it from him, he starts seeing you responsible and expensive as well good to be a wife because you have standards. (This is a series for later)

2. Dating your girlfriend/boyfriend who is not your friend. (I may not buttress) we have talked severally about levels of relationship, please go to our timeline and read it.

3. Lack of creativity in showing love. Repeating same thing over and over again... Of course you will get bored.

4. Lack of mutual interests - passion especially.

5. Purposeless lives in purposeless relationship.

Take this 5 for now... But there are more.

How do you spark love again and keep it flowing:

1. Let the last sex be the last. If you haven't had sex, stick to it no matter.

2. Open yourselves to each other. Become friends. Joke about everything and be each others counselor.

3. Refresh your love style. Do some new things you haven't done. Read the New year post for some suggestions.

4. Get interested in what makes each of you happy. Sometimes help each other out may be in school or work or some activity you love. Teach him/her your favorite games.

5. Reevaluate why you are dating and where you want the relationship to go. Date for a purpose and let getting married be a mutual interest. If not, stop wasting each other's time.

Over_Familiarity. Reviewed by Henry lucky on June 10, 2019 Rating: 5

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