It's very simple
When you want to quit a relationship with someone, pull the plug.
My laptop developed battery issue, so it's literally a desktop. Once there is power failure, it just goes off. Sometimes, when I feel lazy to shutdown, I will just pull the plug and the thing goes off immediately.
Same goes in relationship, that plug is called *"COMMUNICATION".*
Likewise, when you want to develop emotional attachment with someone, consistent "Hi, how are you" conversations can lead to feelings of love, care thereby attracting that person's heart response.
Two things:
1. If you are dating and you are in the habit of chatting up an opposite sex consistently, you are on the path to cheating.
2. If you are dating, Make communication a habit. There's nothing like "why are you always talking with each other" there's no excesses. Because, one day you will be married and everyday, hour and time you just have to keep communicating, in words, kindness and actions.
Keep the communication alive. Never you say, "He calls me too much." it's the "love sontin" that you humbly accepted and guys, never say "she always want us to be talking", she was on her own and you humbly applied for "bae-booship" and got it.
It's very simple
Reviewed by Henry lucky
June 13, 2019