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Pay close attention

whether you are dating or single, if you had ever developed feelings for someone based on something about them? Maybe because he has just enough money to take care of you or because she has enough money and fame for you to exploit through or because he/she made you feel so great in bed...

Whatever reason whatsoever...

... That relationship will not last. Only time will tell.

See, before you really agree or Believe that someone really loves you, test that love with fire.

Try saying No, to his/her demands. Try faking your mood. You know that adage, that when the Bush is set on fire, snakes crawl out? Use it.

Secondly, never assume those things you see in movies in the name of love that's how love is in real life. Even your superstars can't keep their love life in real life so, why try to "model" them.

If you want to love some, love because you have love in you. Love because of who (personality) that person is, not because of their possessions or abilities whatsoever.


Again I repeat: This love thing ought to be sweet, simple and easy, it is us humans that have wrote so many theories and brought so many criteria to complicate love and confusing ourselves.

Learn something today.
Unlearn to relearn.

Pay close attention Reviewed by Henry lucky on June 08, 2019 Rating: 5

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