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choose between Love and Integrity?

When you are asked to choose between Love and Integrity?

Your relationship might get to that point where you would be required to choose between your values and Love, what are you going to do?

Especially when you have fallen face down in love with this person that you have succeeded in successfully idolising everything about this person...

... It could be to give in your virginity to sustain the life of the relationship? Or it could be to give up your dreams to be able to fit in well to your lover's.



What are you going to do?

Now, why you ponder on that... I will take you back to where you got it all wrong that led you in to this kinda hard choice you might be in right in the middle of the ocean of love.


I don't know what you guys discuss in your first date, maybe I will look at that this week, but if you did not seriously state your dos and don'ts... Your values, principles and beliefs that had guided your life thus far... That question will come up later in the relationship.



Tell me, which would you choose? Integrity/Value or Love?

choose between Love and Integrity? Reviewed by Henry lucky on June 07, 2019 Rating: 5

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