Little courtesies matter.
As relationship progresses, people tend to regress in their love communication.
Most people always think that what makes their partner happy is big stuffs like gifts - Gold jewelry, iPhone etc not knowing that it is just those little courtesies that build the love.
Do you know that holding your partner while taking a walk can mean so much more than buying her a car?
There are little courtesies people are beginning to overlook these days and they are regressing their love without them knowing especially when the other person does not complain.
Take note of these and never forget:
1. Always return a call whenever you say you'd call back.
2. Always return your partner's call when you miss it.
3. Always reply his/her text. Don't smile and do nothing, send back something even if it's just one line "I love you". He/she would appreciate.
4. Always say "Thank you" no matter the favor.
5. Take blames. Sincerely say "I'm sorry".
6. Hold hands while taking a walk.
7. Always introduce your partner as your partner to people, don't call him or her your friend before you know.
8. Always compliment your partner.
9. Always spot something that is not right on his or her dressing and adjust it. It means you care and you see.
10. Always accept corrections and try to be better.
These are just few, there could be more... Pay attention always to these little courtesies.
Little courtesies matter.
Reviewed by Henry lucky
June 11, 2019